Is your Emergency Operations Center ready to activate?
Wiland Associates provides a number of options to improve the preformance of your Emergency Operation Center (EOC) and it's staff.
Wiland Associates All-Hazard EOC Training
Wiland Associates All-Hazard EOC Training is based upon our affiliates' experience in delivering the All-Hazard Incident Mangement Team course over the past seven years.
Audience - Our All-Hazard EOC Training program is geared to professionals who work in Emergency Operation Centers that use the ICS model as the template for the organization.
Who Should Attend?
Emergency Management Institute “G 191” ICS/EOC Interface Workshop – This course is designed to enable participants to develop an effective interface between the on-scene Incident Command and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) by applying Incident Command System (ICS) principles. The target audience includes personnel who are associated with: On-Scene Incident Command, Emergency Operation Centers (EOC’s) and Multiagency Coordination (MAC) System.
The Audience - Our All-Hazard EOC Training program is geared to professionals who work in Emergency Operation Centers that use the ICS model as the template for the organization.